We welcome you to the new Light My Fire, which continues its mission of providing support for the health and education of women and girls in the developing world and in needy communities in the U.S. Please visit our Annual Report 2024 page to see our activities during 2024.
In 2025, Light My Fire begins its twelvth year of operations. We are proud of our record of funding NGOs whose mission is to improve the lives of women and girls in developing countries. In the past eleven years, we have funded over 70 grant proposals, donating over one-half million dollars in funds.
In light of our experience, Light My Fire is revising our grantmaking procedure. Our new approach will focus each year on a single thematic area. We believe this will increase our impact and ability to improve the lives of women and girls we support.
Beginning in 2025, Light My Fire will:
1) make grants only once a year.
2) accept proposals only from March 1 to 31. Proposals that come in before March 1 or after March 31 will be discarded.
3) proposals are limited to one theme.
All proposals in 2025 must deal with women’s and/or girls’ reproductive health, which could include any of the following: family planning, menstruation, cervical cancer, obstetric fistula, education, and any other reproductive issue.
We hope you will continue to support our vital work! We couldn’t provide the spark to light the fires of women everywhere without you.